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Rules For Play

There are some ground rules for venturing into the dungeons. I've broken this into sections: Rules For You, Rules For Your Character, Rules For the RP, Kinks, and Limits. Please take the time to read them all. If you violate a rule, you may be warned or ignored/blocked depending on what it is you've violated. If you ask about something I've already explained here, I will politely ask you to read the rules. If it continues, you will be ignored/blocked. I make as much time as I can for RP, and I'm not going to waste the time typing up the extensive information I've already posted here. Now, if you did read it and happened to miss or forget something, that's ok: I'll fill you in. I should be able to tell you have a good idea of what's here based on our conversation. Thank you.

Rules For You

The rules listed below are about you, the player, and who I choose to roleplay with. If you do not fit the criteria below, please do not try to convince me to play with you anyway. These are hard limits that I am not very flexible with. Thank you for understanding.


This RP requires a decent amount of discussion and setup, so please do not introduce yourself in character or with an opening post. Let's take the time to follow that time-honored protocol of discussing play and seeing if we would make good RP partners!


Post Length: You should be a competent writer, capable of para+ posts. I'm aware not all posts require such length, and it's alright to dip below that from time to time, but a few lines should not be the normal post length. Keep in mind that I will often be detailed in my posts, rarely ever going below two paragraphs, and would appreciate the same in return when possible.


Spelling & Grammar: I appreciate good writing when roleplaying. It makes possible getting lost in the play. That doesn't mean I'm only looking to RP with professional writers or English majors. You don't need to be worried about every little error; we're all human, and I'm sure there will be mistakes in my play and even on this site (until I find them or they are pointed out).


I just ask that you are friendly and polite, as I will certainly be. Nobody has time or patience for trolls or jerks and we could all benefit from a more friendly online environment!


Private message roleplay is preferred. I do not play in chat rooms. If you're playing multiple characters, we can discuss possible other options if those characters use their own accounts, or if we're playing with others for a group of adventurers.

Rules For Your Character

These are rules for your character entering the dungeons. I've never actually asked someone to change their character for an RP before, so please bear with me. If any of this seems unreasonable, I will gladly discuss it with you. I can't promise I'll be willing to change the rule, but if you present a good argument as to why I should, then I will at least seriously consider it.

No God-Like Characters

Please do not bring a character into my dungeon who isn't going to be challenged by what's inside. First, this entire premise is designed for your character to fail often, and experience the fun, lewd scenes that follow. If you can't be hurt, teleport around at will, and can kill everything with a thought, what's the point?

Females Only

I'm only looking to play with female adventurers at this time, so please be mindful of that. I will not make any individual exceptions. My mind and preferences are permitted to change, so if you play a character other than female, you're free to keep an eye on this page for future alterations. Please don't expect it to change, however. I'm only saying it's technically possible, not that it's likely.

Action Economy

Characters are restricted to a number of actions (per turn, per combat, and/or per day), sometimes limiting the characters ability to act or to use a certain ability. This is handled by your Adventurer Level. Regardless of what your character could do in the past, she will find her abilities limited in the dungeons and their realm. This is the best way I have of scaling encounters and making the RP fun for us both through the combat scenes. Please do your best to follow this rule, as it will make you not have to repost or edit your posts (or make me post something contradictory to yours).


Your character will not start with much. Some funds to purchase items from the shop (or equivalent items you want to have from your character's backstory). However, magical equipment will need to be found or purchased.


If you have an enchanted item of some sort that you want to keep, it will have to start out as a normal version and I will devise payments to get it enchanted towards its final form (provided it's not some legendary kill all things in a 10 galaxy radius and ascend you to a higher plane where you can time travel and defeat the dungeon before you entered nonsense. lol) Just talk with me and I'll do my best to work with you on something acceptable to us both.

Rules for the RP

These are general rules for the roleplay itself. Please follow them to the best of your ability.


As I will be running this like a DM/GM (Dungeon Master/Game Master), my posts will be in 3rd person. I am not the characters being played, so I will not play in 1st person. I will not make an exception to this.


However, you may choose to play in 3rd or 1st person. The only difference is that if you want to play in 1st person, then I will address things to you (referencing your character as "you' instead of by character name). As a former online Dungeon Master, I'm versed enough in this concept, although I do make mistakes out of 3rd person RP habits. 


As I mentioned in the Rules For Your Character section above, action economy is a huge part of this play. Further on this, however, is how events play out. If you are going to perform an action in the dungeon that takes no effort, such as making your way across the room, then you needn't worry about stopping to find the outcome. If, however, to get to the other side of the room you need to leap across a pit, you should instead phrase your action in a way such as "Sarah gets a running start and attempts to leap across the pit." I understand this is a new concept to some, so I will do my best to remind you where you need to attempt an action rather than assume completion. In combat, you should always assume you need to attempt and see the outcome, rather than just making it.


On that note, when it comes to determining a result, we can do it one of three ways:


1) You can roll for it. If you have dice handy, you can use them and I'll take your word on the results. Be honest, so we can all have fun here!


2) I can roll behind the scenes. While this takes away your fun of rolling (I know, sorry) it will allow the play to continue smoothly without discussing rolls.


3) I can assign you an allotment of rolls. This will let you cherry pick what roll to use in each situation, but it also could leave you without good rolls when you might need them.


Each way has its merits and weaknesses, so take your pick!


Before venturing into any dungeon, you will get a preparation phase. Aside from the in-game actions like shopping and such, you will also be allowed to preview the possible monster encounters in a dungeon. They will be listed here on this site for you (If not yet posted on the site, I will fill you in). If there is a monster you do not want to encounter (for any out-of-game reason), you may request that during this phase. As long as you don't remove too many, I'll gladly accommodate your requests.


I won't reveal what traps/puzzles are in each dungeon. While the kinks involved in them will be listed, I don't want to give them away ahead of time and have you look for them.


Every trip into the dungeon is different. When your character leaves, the dungeon will reset and change (unless certain hidden conditions are met), so be wary about leaving a dungeon. You can't just pick up where you left off!

Character Sheet

I will be making a character sheet for you on this site, where you can track your progress, see your equipment, check your gold, etc. If you do not wish to have your character displayed, please let me know. I can hide the page and give you a direct link to it. Otherwise, the character sheet is necessary to help keep everything in order.


Your character is permitted to rest in the dungeon. However, there is a chance for an encounter while you do so. Resting should be done sparingly, so abusing the rest system will be met with retaliation. There are two types of rest:


Short Rest: You take a short breather to recover your 'per rest' abilities. One encounter roll.


Long Rest: You go to sleep, recovering your 'per rest' and 'per day' abilities, as well as any spell slots and heal one wound.


When you win a battle, you may have the option to have your way with the enemy, if you prefer. I have a couple of rules, however.


1) Leave the dead alone. I'm not looking to play around with necrophilia, so don't ask. Besides, it's rather boring to play out a sex scene as a dead character! There are undead creatures that circumvent this to some degree.


2) Don't peg the male monsters. This is something I've just never enjoyed playing out. If you want to ride him, suck him off for extra experience, tie him up, etc., that's all fine. It's just something about playing a male getting pegged that turns me off. Sorry. My herms and females, however, go for it if you want!


3) Beware: Although fucking the loser will gain your character some experience, if you let the enemy recover, they may attack you again. Or maybe the sounds will alert a patrol. You've been warned!


You gain experience in various ways throughout the RP:


1) You gain 1 XP for successfully clearing a room. If you lose the encounter, you do not gain XP for that room, however, you may still be able to continue on.


2) You gain 1 XP for the intake of a monster's cum. This can be in any orifice, but enough of the monster's cum must enter your character's body in order to gain experience. Creatures who do not produce cum of any kind don't provide any experience for sexual encounters (though they are still fun to play out!)


3) You gain 5 XP for defeating a dungeon's boss. Be aware, that your character is unlikely to defeat a dungeon boss until she is a higher level, and many dungeon bosses have a high possibility of forcing a "bad end" if they win, so pick your battles carefully!

Level Up

Now that you know how to gain experience, let's talk about how to level up.


Upon gaining enough XP to level up, your character will need to train in town to achieve the next level. There are various abilities she can gain throughout town, which will be posted on this site once I've decided on them (most have preferred making requests for abilities, so this has been put on hold). Until then, we can discuss the abilities when that time comes.


Here are the thresholds for each level:


Level 1: 0 Total XP

Level 2: 10 Total XP

Level 3: 30 Total XP

Level 4: 60 Total XP

Level 5: 100 Total XP

Level 6: 150 Total XP

Level 7: 210 Total XP

Level 8: 280 Total XP

Level 9: 360 Total XP

Level 10: 450 Total XP


I doubt there will be a need to go further than this, but if there is, just multiply your current level by 10 and add that to the current level's Total XP to figure out how much Total XP is needed to get to the next level. So for level 11, you'd multiply your current level (10) by 10 = 100 and add that to the current level's total (Level 10: 450 Total XP), so 100 + 450 = 550 Total XP to get to Level 11.


I am going to post my major kinks here. A section for my limits is below this section. These are not by any means the only kinks I have or that will come about in play. For more specific kinks that will appear, check each dungeon's information. The kinks listed below are considered my absolute favorites, and I would really prefer they do not get removed. If you have a serious issue with any of them, please let me know before jumping into play.

Exotic Cocks

Many of the creatures you encounter will have non-human cocks. This is not something I'm willing to change. Be honest: a Gelatinous Cube sporting a human cock would just be weird! Expect to see prehensile, horse, knotted, barbed, tentacle, and many more cock types throughout the RP!

Unusual Semen

Similar to the above concept, many creatures in the dungeons have unusual cum properties. Volume, taste, color, scent, texture, viscosity, temperature, eggs, among other potential properties may arise. See each monster's information if you want to know what you will encounter.


When you lose an encounter, it's unlikely the monster is going to be gentle when having its way with you. Expect it to be hard, rough, painful, and more, depending on what you're dealing with. If you're not listening or doing a good job, expect to be slapped. Be a good girl if you want them to be nicer!


Bondage will appear at times. Sometimes it's organic, such as when a monster with tentacles is pinning you down or holding you in a position. If you're against an intelligent, dominant monster, they may tie you up for a bit of fun (spanking, flogging, paddling, whipping, etc. depending on what they have). 

Various Genders

I play a variety of monsters throughout this RP. Men, Women, Herms, Genderless Monsters, and who knows what else things qualify as. You can request certain monsters to be eliminated, but in general, at least two major monster genders (Male/Female/Herm) must exist for there to be enough monsters to play as.


Below are my hard limits. These will not be broken for any reason.


Just no. Fecal play is a serious line I won't cross.


Although I could easily implement a means of healing lost limbs, I have no interest in playing them out.


If your character dies, it will be a simple description. I'm not looking to go into detail about your entrails spilling out.

Male/Herm Adventurers

Although I've said this before in several locations, I feel the need to reiterate it here. I'm not looking to have male or herm/futa adventurer's exploring my dungeons. There are enough cocks flopping around that I don't need to add yours. Sorry.

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