Character Creation
This page will list each part of the character sheet and what you can select for each when creating your character. Open to discussion, especially for artistic choices and flair.
Just some basic info about your character.
LEVEL: Starts at 0
TOTAL XP: Starts at 0
CLASS: Call yourself whatever you'd like!
RACE: Call yourself whatever you'd like!
When you run out of HIT POINTS, you lose the encounter and are at the creature's disposal (you are not unconscious, but can no longer fight back until you regain HIT POINTS. You can recover HIT POINTS BY:
1) Casting a spell that recovers HIT POINTS.
2) Drinking a potion that recovers HIT POINTS.
3) Swallowing a creature's cum will recover 1d6 HIT POINTS one hour later.
4) After a period of time where you are not being attacked or violated, I will inform you that you have recovered some HIT POINTS.
5) Camping for the night will recover all HIT POINTS and SPELL POINTS, but you need camping equipment to rest.
6) Returning to town will recover all HIT POINTS and SPELL POINTS, but the dungeon will reset and change.
Casting a spell costs 1 SPELL POINT per 1d6 points of damage the spell will deal to a single target, per 1d4 points of damage the spell will deal to an area, or per 1d4 points of damage the spell will heal. You can spend more SPELL POINTS to increase the die rolled prior to rolling them. Eventually I will include a spell book, but for now, if you want a spell to do something other than cause damage, just discuss it with me beforehand and I'll let you know how many spell points it will cost (or if it just can't exist for some reason). Special Abilities can also use SPELL POINTS. For example, if you have a sneak attack, it could be applied by expending a SPELL POINT.
You get 6 points to add.
HIT POINTS: Starts at 4. Costs 1 point to increase.
SPELL POINTS: Starts at 0. Costs 2 points to increase.
These are the number of times you can shrug off/avoid/resist effects that target you (during play, an action directed at you will have {STRENGTH}, {AGILITY}, {MIND}, if a PROWESS can be used. Additionally, PROWESS POINTS may be used as part of an action. For example, making a long jump would use a STRENGTH PROWESS POINT. We will have 2 threads in EcchiTexts, one for RP and one for OOC talk. Essentially, when you see a tag in my post for a Prowess or Skill Point use, you can let me know in the OOC thread that you want to use the point. I'll then go back and edit my post with the relevant information.
You get 3 points to add.
STRENGTH: Starts at 1. Costs 1 point to increase.
AGILITY: Starts at 1. Costs 1 point to increase. AGILITY is also used to determine combat initiative.
MIND: Starts at 1. Costs 1 point to increase.
This is where action economy really starts to unfold. Everyone starts with the same amount, but it can be increased during a Level Up.
STANDARD ACTIONS: Starts at 1/turn.
MOVEMENT ACTIONS: Starts at 1/turn. You may use a Standard action to move a second time if needed.
→ CLOSED DISTANCE: Starts at 1 unit/move. For example, if the enemy is 2 units away, then a move towards the enemy will close that distance to 1 unit away, while a move away from the enemy will increase the distance to 2 units away. In general, you must be no more than 1 unit away to use a melee attack and no less than 2 units away to use a ranged weapon attack.
REACTIONS: Starts at 4 per encounter. To use them, you first see if the creature would hit you (shown by a {HIT} in the attack post). A block uses 1 REACTION, and will deflect up to the AMOUNT BLOCKED, with excess damage still striking your character. A dodge uses 2 REACTIONS, but will avoid all damage from that attack.
→ AMOUNT BLOCKED: Dependent on what is being used to block.
SPECIAL ABILITIES are a work in progress. I do not have any FEATS planned out as of yet, so it's open to discussion. If it's a reasonable FEAT for your character's level, then I'll let you take it. If you can't think of any, I can try to pitch some ideas for you. Eventually, I'll have a list of FEATS to choose from.
As for SPELLS, I will mostly let you design your own, as long as it fits within your character's power level. They will cost an amount of SPELL POINTS based on what the spell does (mentioned in the POOLS section above). You may know a number of SPELLS equal to half of your SPELL POINTS (rounded up).
You get 1 racial and 1 class feat at character creation.
SKILLS will pop up throughout the roleplay, with opportunities to use them denoted by a {SKILL NAME} in the posts. They can come in handy throughout your adventure, so choose them wisely! The amount of points you put into each SKILL is how many times you can use that SKILL per day.
You get 6 points to add.
ARCANA: Knowledge of all things arcane.
ENGINEERING: Knowledge of traps, materials, and constructs.
ESCAPE ARTIST: Your ability to escape grapples and bindings.
HANDLE ANIMAL: Your ability to calm minimally intelligent beasts.
HEAL: Your ability to stop bleeding, identify toxins, and determine if something is dead or alive.
MARTIAL: Knowledge of combat tactics. Useful for sizing up your opponent or spotting a weakness.
NATURE: Knowledge of the natural world.
PERCEPTION: Your ability to listen, search, or spot.
PLANAR: Knowledge of extraplanar things.
RELIGION: Knowledge of the undead and religions of the world.
SENSE MOTIVE: Your ability to perceive tone or body language to predict something's motives.
SPEECH: Your ability to persuade others using diplomacy, deceit, or intimidation.
STEALTH: Your ability to go undetected.
THIEVERY: Your ability to pick locks, pick pockets, or set/disable traps.
USE ROPE: Your ability to tie/untie effective knots.
Starting equipment is pretty straightforward. You get 1 MAIN HAND item, 1 OFF HAND item, and 1 ARMOR item. They will fall into a couple of categories which will define their stats, but their name and description is up to you. MAGIC ITEMS must be purchased in town or found in a dungeon. You cannot wear more than 2 MAGIC ITEMS (not including those in your MAIN HAND, OFF HAND, or ARMOR slots).
MAIN HAND: You may choose 1 NORMAL MELEE WEAPON (Sword, Axe, Mace, etc), which deals 2d4 damage and blocks up to 2 damage; 1 LIGHT MELEE WEAPON (Dagger, Claw, Fist, etc), which deals 1d4 damage, attacks twice per standard action, but cannot block; 1 LARGE MELEE WEAPON (Greatsword, Maul, Greataxe, etc), which deals 2d6 damage and blocks up to 4 damage, but removes the ability to wield an OFF HAND item, or 1 RANGED WEAPON (Bow, Crossbow, etc), which deals 1d8 damage and may be used from 2 units of distance away from the enemy and further (provided you have line of sight to the target), but cannot block and removes the ability to wield an OFF HAND item. RANGED WEAPONS also have a quiver for ammunition, though individual ammunition is not tracked.
OFF HAND: If your MAIN HAND item does not prohibit an OFF HAND item, you may choose from 1 LIGHT MELEE WEAPON, 1 SHIELD, or 1 TOWER SHIELD. A SHIELD will block up to 6 points of damage. A TOWER SHIELD will block up to 10 points of damage, but takes 2 REACTIONS to use. Other items may be allowed with different values.
ARMOR: You may choose LIGHT ARMOR (Leather, etc), which reduces damage by 1, MEDIUM ARMOR (Mail, etc), which reduces damage by 1 and increases HIT POINTS by 1 but reduces combat initiative by 1, HEAVY ARMOR, which reduces damage by 2 and increases HIT POINTS by 2 but reduces combat initiative by 2 and limits some options (such as long jumping), or NO ARMOR (Clothes, Robes, etc), which increases combat initiative by 1 and grants 1 bonus SPELL POINT.
MAGIC ITEM 1: You do not start with MAGIC ITEMS.
MAGIC ITEM 2: You do not start with MAGIC ITEMS.
These supplies will be needed throughout the dungeon. All items start at 0. To avoid tediousness, I do not require tracking of food/drink.
You may add 10 items.
CAMPING EQUIPMENT: Needed to rest well enough to recover HIT POINTS and SPELL POINTS.
TORCHES: Needed to see in dark places.
HEALTH POTIONS: Recovers 3 HIT POINTS when consumed.
SPELL POTIONS: Recovers 3 SPELL POINTS when consumed.
TINDERTWIGS: Required to light fires without magic.
ROPE: Each unit give 20 feet of rope. Will come in handy to crafty adventurers!
For starting characters, these can be simple, useless items you wish to denote your character owning (a chess piece your father gave you for good luck, for example). Once play begins, this space is reserved for items that don't fit elsewhere on the sheet.
GOLD: You do not start with any GOLD, but you will find some throughout the dungeons. It can be used to purchase items from shops. You may also be able to convince a shopkeep to help in some way!