This site is still a major work in progress. Please bear with me!
Welcome to the Dungeon!
An Adult (Lewd) Dungeon Crawling Adventure
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About the Dungeon
Welcome to a dungeon adventure! Send your character on quests to explore various dungeons, each with their own unique layout, treasure, enemies, traps, puzzles, and more! However, this is not your standard adventure. Most monsters don't want you to die. Instead, they want you to satisfy their lust. It gets lonely in those dark corridors!
Some things you should know upfront:
A) While you can play your character, she will have to be limited to the rules of the dungeon. It's not much fun if your character simply defeats anything she comes across or can snap her fingers to avoid any situation, now is it? This can be accomplished in a couple of ways:
1) Something happens to your character to strip her powers/magical equipment.
2) This is an alternate reality, and passing through left her in a "cleansed" state.
3) She's been cursed, robbed, or both.
4) Maybe it's a rule of the dungeon crawlers to undergo a ritual that puts your girl in a special state required to vanquish these dungeons.
5) Or perhaps you just want to rebuild her temporarily.
This is entirely up to you, just let me know how you want to handle it! Additionally, I will assist in character creation for editing your character or making a new one if you prefer.
B) Bad ends are possible! However, that doesn't necessarily mean death. Here are some possible "bad" ends:
1) Your character could become a slave (maybe you'll escape one day, if you want to). This could continue the story of your character, but no longer in the life of an adventurer.
2) Your character could join the enemy (not saying you would, but it's a possibility). I'm not sure if I would continue the story from here, but we could discuss it if you wanted.
3) Your character could retire (perhaps an injury or pregnancy forces her out of commission, or maybe she's simply too terrified to venture in once more). This would end play (although in the case of pregnancy, she could return, or her child could take up the mantle in the future).
4) Your character could die (I didn't say it can't happen, it's just not the only way the story could end)
That said, there really is no "win" condition. If you make it through all the dungeons, I'll make more! If your character decides she's done enough, then go ahead and bask in her glory!
C) Hopefully I've remembered to put this in enough places, but the dungeon only accepts female adventurers. I apologize to the male and herm characters who wish to adventure in my dungeons, but I'm simply not interested in playing with those characters.
If you're still interested, read on!